By Beth Crist, Youth & Family Services Consultant, Colorado State Library
Hello all,
Are you offering virtual programs this summer? The Colorado State Library (CSL) wants to help promote them to every corner of the state!
CSL announces a new website featuring online events that Colorado libraries and other cultural institutions and literacy partners are offering to the public. This will be a one stop shop for all Coloradans to create a robust calendar of engaging events for all ages. The website includes a calendar with links to live online events, recorded events and tutorials, and fun summer activity ideas for all ages.
We seek your content for the online events calendar that will be promoted throughout Colorado. This is your opportunity to reach new audiences! We also encourage you to promote the calendar to your communities starting soon.
This week, we invite you to create an account and begin to submit your virtual events to the calendar.
First, go to the calendar website: https://www.coloradovirtualevents.org/
Next, jump right in, or view these instructions for creating an account and submitting events:
Starting this Friday, June 19, we hope that the calendar will be populated with many amazing virtual events from across the state, and it’ll then be ready for you to share on your websites and social media. We’ll send out sample messages for sharing the calendar later this week.
If you have questions about the calendar itself or experience any difficulties with the submission process, please let me know. Many thanks; we look forward to sharing all of your exciting virtual events on this calendar!
Thanks and be well,
Beth Crist
Youth & Family Services Consultant
Colorado State Library, Library Development
P 303.866.6908
201 East Colfax Avenue, Room 309, Denver, CO 80203
Crist_B@cde.state.co.us | https://www.cde.state.co.us/