Literacy-based storytimes offer libraries a way to be partners in education with parents and caregivers. Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy (CLEL) supports the definition of a literacy-based storytime as one that contains the following components:
- Parents and caregivers are invited to attend storytimes with their children
- Early literacy practices are highlighted during each storytime
- Storytime leaders model activities that build early literacy skills
- Books and activities are intentionally selected to promote early literacy skills and practices
- Information about early literacy skills and practices and/or tips for building skills are provided to parents and caregivers during storytime, either verbally, via a handout, or both
Early Literacy Tips
A key component of early literacy storytimes is sharing information with parents and caregivers through handouts and early literacy reminders.
Many libraries find it most effective to add a verbal message for caregivers during storytime. Using reminders that flow naturally into what is already happening in storytime can help make giving reminders easier and more fluid.
Click on the images below to view example early literacy messages (pdf files will open in new tabs).