Book’s Big Adventure
by Adam Lehrhaupt and illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell (Paula Wiseman Books) Published February 9, 2021 See the life cycle of a library book!
by Adam Lehrhaupt and illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell (Paula Wiseman Books) Published February 9, 2021 See the life cycle of a library book!
by Jean Ciborowski Fahey and illustrated by Simone Shin (Lee & Low Books) Published March 16, 2021 You’ll be encouraged to read from a unique perspective –building a bookcase! Includes bilingual text and tips for parents in the back.
by Jeff Zwiers, illustrated by Sr. Reny (Reycraft Books) Published May 28, 2021 Where do words come from? Word-bakeries? Word-factories? No, they come from you! See if you can find letters and words hidden in the illustrations.
The Bell Awards Committee has selected the shortlist titles for the 2022 award. After much deliberation, five titles have been selected for each of the early literacy practices, Read, Write, Talk, Sing and Play. It was a difficult choice given the number of amazing books published and suggested this year. Thank you to everyone who …
This year was different for everyone, including the Bell Awards! We thought it was fitting to share the winners with you as a video. Celebrate the winners along with this year’s CLEL Bells Selection Committee! Read Winner: Help Wanted Must Love Books By Janet Sumner Johnson, lllustrated by Courtney Dawson (Capstone Editions) Shailey loves bedtime …